As important is links and publishing content remain, search engines are growing far more complex than relying on traditional text and document analysis to rank its index. We should view SEO Pretoria as an organic ecosystem, where each small snippet of code directly or indirectly ties to the performance of your website. Link building to a slow site becomes useless, as is publishing contents that get interrupted by obtrusive interstitials on a mobile device. Following the best practices is pointless, unless you are following all of them. Not all agree on the best practices of SEO, but we agree on some. Here are some of the practices we believe in the most.

This week we will be looking at SEO Content.

1. Content

Content is king, but having content is not enough to help your site rank for the keyword terms it's targeting. 91 Percent of online content generates no content from Google, so what do we know that search engines prize in content creation?

Content Relevance to User Intent on SEO

Understanding user intent is the future of search engine development. Without getting in too many details, Google's algorithms are working tirelessly to better understand the syntax and semantics of user searches. We have already seen some of the benefits this can offer in the form of answer boxes, knowledge panels and more diverse search results for broadtail queries. Content relevance to the user can be argued to be its most important ranking factor because if your content is not relevant to a search, then it will be devalued.

How to Optimize

• Understand the intent of your keywords (informational, shopping, navigational)
• Analyze the SERP of these keywords and see what type of content is ranking
• Research semantic similarities to that keyword and optimize content around those terms.

Deep Content for SEO Pretoria

Deep or long-form content addresses as many user concerns as possible, while providing fresh perspectives over a topic. Search engines prefer long-form content for many informational user searches. Content between 2250 and 2500 words tended to receive the most organic traffic. This seems to be the sweet spot for SEO Pretoria, although creating pages much longer than 2500 words can also be beneficial. Becoming a master over your subject matter isn't just beneficial for SEO, it can also help you become a thought leader in your industry and create additional business opportunity.

How To Optimize

• Research top ranking pages for a target keyword and analyzes their content.
• Add semantically related keywords to flesh out content with additional subtopics
• Answer any and all questions users may have about that topic.

Organize Content on SEO

SEO tags still play an important role in content creation, despite the rise of semantic analysis. Optimizing title tags and header rags can help with:
• Communicating the intent and syntax of your webpage document
 • Organizing your document to make it easier for users and search engines to read
• Making pages more scannable
• Helping tour page pass the 5-second rule

How To Optimize

• Insert focus keywords into title tags, URL slug and page titles
• Create header sections (H2, H3 and H4s) using related keywords

Next time we will be looking at User Engagement and the Technical Structure of SEO Pretoria

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